The F45 Training family would love to hear from you! Just choose from the options below to get in touch with the department that can provide you with the best support.
For press coverage and inquiries, please email:
If you would like to join or find a specific F45 Training studio, please use the Find a Studio page.
Please contact the studio where you signed up for your membership with any billing questions or to change your billing information.
If you’d like to contact a specific Studio head to their website to see their contact options, otherwise send us a message on our Facebook page to contact our support team. Click the Facebook Logo below to head to our page.
Each studio is individually owned and pricing changes slightly across locations. Please use the Find a Studio page to contact your nearest studio for pricing.
The membership covers 1 location. You will find that once you start training with a gym and become friends with people who train there and the staff you are not likely to change to another gym. If you would like to train at multiple locations most studios offer a 10 pass which you can pre-purchase. Please use the Find a Studio page to contact your nearest studio for pricing.
Each class is a HIIT workout, no workout is the same, we offer 3 cardio and 3 resistance days with 1 super circuit that has both resistance and cardio . Please visit the site for the studio closest to you for further updates and class timetables.
Each studio is individually owned you will need to use the Find a Studio page to contact the studio to book in your classes and see the timetables.
You will need to use the Find a Studio page to contact the studio to update your login details.